#UNE Writes Today

#UNEWrites is an International Write In event where UNE students, faculty, and staff join writers around the world in a day dedicated to writing.  At #UNEWrites, UNE writers come together to write on whatever projects they may have – including, but not limited to, essays, stories, reports, poems, articles, books. Writing support is available for those who want it. The event fosters camaraderie, combats procrastination, and reveals … [Read more…]

#UNE Writes

Need another read of your big data essay or just a place to focus as you work on it? Join #UNEWrites on Tuesday April 17 from 4-8 pm. #UNEWrites is an International Write In event where UNE students, faculty, and staff join writers around the world in a day dedicated to writing.  At #UNEWrites, UNE writers come together to write … [Read more…]

Snow in the Forecast

As you have surely heard, tomorrow evening’s forecast includes significant snow fall. In class tomorrow, we will be completing the peer review work for your social media essay. To keep on track with your drafting and to get the benefit of peer review, please be sure to share your first draft via Google Docs, even … [Read more…]