#UNE Writes Today

#UNEWrites is an International Write In event where UNE students, faculty, and staff join writers around the world in a day dedicated to writing.  At #UNEWrites, UNE writers come together to write on whatever projects they may have – including, but not limited to, essays, stories, reports, poems, articles, books. Writing support is available for those who want it. The event fosters camaraderie, combats procrastination, and reveals … [Read more…]

#UNE Writes

Need another read of your big data essay or just a place to focus as you work on it? Join #UNEWrites on Tuesday April 17 from 4-8 pm. #UNEWrites is an International Write In event where UNE students, faculty, and staff join writers around the world in a day dedicated to writing.  At #UNEWrites, UNE writers come together to write … [Read more…]